About Content Injector

Content Injector is a powerful and complete Content Management System that will allow you to manage and administrate your site from a web based interface. The system dynamically 'injects' content from a MySQL into your pages and allows you to easily create menu links to them.

As well as handling all your content, Content Injector provides a powerful news system with news commenting capabilities and archiving.

The system is based around ease of use, and the embedded WYSIWYG HTML Area allows people with little or no knowledge of HTML to add stylish content with ease. The system is also underpinned with a robust user permission system, allowing you to grant access of certain features to certain users.

On top of the above, Content Injector also has a powerful file manager utility so you can allow your stuff access to upload to a set section of the site without giving away your FTP details.

The system is also fully Event Logged, so you can keep an eye on what your users are getting up to.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does your script have an archiving feature / I've downloaded your script and can't find the archive feature does it have one, or are you a big liar?

Yes it does, simply use index.php?action=news_archive and you can view all the news ever posted!

The Date and Time Settings I want are not allowed in the System Setup - how do I add a new one?

To add a new date or time format, you'll first need to know the PHP standard date & time formatting options, there is a list of them all on the php site (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php).

What you then need to do, is open /admin/setup.php and goto the $date_formats array (line 437) or $time_formats (line 490). And add a new format on the end in a similar style, be sure to put a , on the end of each line (apart from the last).

An Example, if I wanted to add a new date format to match this "03 Nov, 03" the format would be d M, y so therefore i would add 'd M, y' below, making sure to add a , on the previous element

    'Y-m-d', ## Note the added ,
    'd M, y'

And thats it!! - Easy!

Core Features

  • Page/Article Management with ability to add multiple pages to the same article.
  • Fully templatable News & Comments System, with ability to add a [read more] links that link to full articles.
  • WYSIWYG HTML editor embedded in the content submission pages, so there is no need to know HTML!
  • Menu Tree structure capable of unlimitted sub-tree's.
  • User Management with a wide range of user levels, give users access to the options you choose!
  • Sorting Features - sort the menu's the way YOU want them sorted.
  • Upload features, upload to a specified directory, so you don't have to give your staff the main FTP details!
  • Action logged, allows you to spot potential hacking attempts and keep an eye on your members of staff too.
  • Support for third party 'add-ins' allows further customization if required.
  • And a LOT LOT More!